RMPO 32nd Annual Reunion, Las Vegas, NV Sept 16 - 20, 2007 Pictures - Page 7
Denny and Dee O'Malley, Joan and Chine Ray, Eileen and Terry Lewis, Carrolyn Barrong, Kay and Pete Davis
Penny Meskunas, Richard Wilson, Reg Fansler with daughter Marilyn Gray, Mary Meier (?), Linda and Scott Hughes
Wiley and Helen Higgins, Dick and Jo McCormick, Tom and Dorothy MacDonnell, Lu Nix, Al and Joyce Ackerman, Dick and Jean Spaulding, Dick and Brigitte Wilson
OC #2 Classmates with Spouses - Jean and Carl Swanson, Bill and Sally Gregerson, Ed and Ginny Gilmore, Peg and Pat Lowrey
Sue and Tom McHugh with Hal and Diane Schneeweis