If you are a retired MP Officer and want to be listed on the RMPOA Directory, email to the following information. Include your name, nickname (if any), date of entry into service, date of retirement, rank at time of retirement, current mailing address, home telephone number, cell telephone number, and email address. Where applicable, include your spouse's name.
Follow these links to check who is currently on the roster:
The Retired Military Police Officers Directory is the official list of retired MP officers and warrant officers in the Association. The directory also contains the names of surviving widows of deceased members of the RMPOA family.
The directory is used as a mailing list for invitations to the Annual RMPOA Reunion, and a mailing list for the RMPOA DIGEST. The directory is not sold or provided for any commercial purposes.
Active and retired Military Police officers, warrant officers, and their spouses may purchase a copy of the directory. To obtain a copy of the directory, please mail a check in the amount of $12.00 payable to RMPOA to Retired Military Police Officers Association, PO Box 5477, Springfield, VA 22150. The $12 fee covers the costs of printing and mailing the directory.
Updates to the directory may be sent to the RMPOA address or to
Don't see a fellow MP officer's name on the list? Send their contact information to the membership director or and we will invite them to join us.